
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2022

Contoh Kalimat Adverb Dari Setiap Jenis Dan Artinya

40 Contoh Kalimat Adverb dari Setiap Jenis dan Artinya

Contoh kalimat Adverb  dari setiap jenis dan artinya dapat menjadi acuan kamu dalam mempelajari kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih lengkapnya mari ulas lebih lanjut.

Kalimat adverb pada umumnya digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan menambahkan informasi lebih detail terkait kata kerja (verb),  kata sifat (adjective), dan adverb lainnya. Kalimat adverb juga memiliki fungsi dan jenisnya tersendiri. Oleh karena itu kalimat adverb tidak boleh dibuat secara sembarangan.

Lantas bagaimana membuat kalimat adverb yang baik dan benar? Berikut perpusfajartimur.com merangkum dari beberapa sumber, Selasa (13/10/2022) terkait  40  contoh kalimat adverb dari setiap jenis dan artinya.

Pengertian Kalimat Adverb 

Dilansir dari Cambridge Dictionary, bahwa adverb bisa disandingkan oleh kata benda, kerja, dan sifat. Secara sederhana pada umumnya adverb digunakan  untuk memperjelas kata di depannya atau memperjelas adverb itu sendiri.

Biasanya adverb memiliki akhiran -ly seperti: clearly, quickly, locally, dan seterusnya. Namun, ada beberapa yang tidak memiliki akhiran -ly.

Fungsi Kalimat Adverb dan Jenisnya

Kalimat adverb memiliki fungsi penting untuk menjelaskan kata sifat, sentence, noun phrase, kata kerja dan adverb lainnya. Kalimat adverb dipergunakan di saat kamu akan menjelaskan sesuatu lebih terkait informasi yang sesuai.  Berdasarkan jenisnya kalimat adverb terbagi menjadi 8, diantaranya:

1. Adverb of Purpose

Kalimat yang menjelaskan sebab dan akibat dari sesuatu, Contoh kalimat

2. Adverb of Fokus

Kalimat yang berfokus pada pemusatan suatu kalimat, contoh kalimat

3. Adverb of Place

Kalimat yang menjelaskan suatu tindakan yang terjadi

4. Adverb of Frequency

Suatu kalimat yang berfungsi menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi

5. Adverb of Modality
Kalimat yang memperhatikan tingkat harapan dan keyakinan

6. Adverb of Degree
Jenis kalimat yang menjelaskan intensitas terhadap sesuatu, contoh sejauh mana, seberapa banyak.

7. Adverb of Manner

Jenis kalimat yang menerangkan sesuatu terjadi dan bagaimana

8 . Adverb of Time

Kalimat yang menjelaskan keterangan waktu dan untuk menyatakan berapa lama, kapan dll.

Contoh Kalimat Adverb Berdasarkan Jenisnya 

Bagi kamu yang belum mengerti jangan khawatir sebab pada ulasan satu ini Celebrities.id akan memberikan secara lengkap contoh kalimat Adverb berdasarkan jenisnya, apa saja? berikut ulasannya.

1. Contoh kalimat adverb of time

1. Please call me later, I’m working now
2. The factory has operated since 1983.
3. I paid a call my friend in the hospital last day.
4. The children recently went home
5. Airin arrives from Amsterdam today

2. Contoh kalimat adverb of manner 

1. She carried out the homework slowly
2. The car engine will turn off automatically
3. This one racer always drives the car fast
4. He wanted to know the difference between working hard and working smart

5. Students have to studying  calmly in the school.

3. Contoh kalimat Adverb of Fokus

1. Robin has eaten the bread, also has Arif
2. They are merely a kid, chill out!
3. Cristiano Ronaldo is a wing man, as well Lionel Messi
4. The rainbow is gorgeous, as well my darling
5. yes he is very handsome, but his mouth stink

4. Contoh kalimat Adverb of Degree 

1. He works too hard for complete the target
2. Look at this! He is so arrogant when him use the Sport Car Ferrari
3. Today, in Jakarta. The weather is very claudy
4. Fire Chicken with level 5 in here  is very spicy
5. Congratulations, you have answered your exam on time

5. Contoh kalimat Adverb of Modality

1. It is probably going to snow on Monday, i have checked it on website
2. Maybe we should prepare something delicious for dinner
3. There were probably hundreds of people who attended my birthday last night
4. We could possibly attend your birthday party later tonight
5. I think, the car is surely more comfortable than the motobike

6. Contoh kalimat Adverb of Purpose  

1. He is very rich and from there he can buy everything
2. It was too heavy and therefore can’t fly.
3. She appears as beautiful as a princess to impress him.
4. That beautiful woman is very depressed since that incident
5. He is very handsome and because of that many women are crazy about him

7. Contoh kalimat Adverb of Frequency

1. Arif always prays before starting his daily activities
2. Raihan rarely goes to school
3. I often buy a fried chicken  because it is my favorite food
4. My father sometimes drinks Coffee every morning.
5. I always pray three times a day

8. Contoh kalimat adverb of place 

1. Your parents live in Surabaya
2. On the table, there is a cup of greentea.
3. Please bring that key here
4. Put the coffee there
5. He walks downstairs to meet his mother

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